
The Ten Rules Of Leadership In Network Marketing

The network marketing industry has provided more millionaires in the last ten years than in any other industry.So how do you define leadership?Leadership is the ability to influence and inspire others to follow you. Below are ten rules of leadership in network marketing. Work on incorporating them into your daily practice. A true leader takes coherent action, so it is important that you be consistent in your application of these rules. Write down the 10 Rules of Leadership! (Really – Get out a piece of paper and pen and write them down, or at least cut and paste them to a document.)1. The Leader should have a goal better than those that he/she leads. Your down line needs to know that you are planning for the future and also understand that your financial goals coincide with theirs.2. The Leader must have an approach greater then those that he/she leads. A leader is optimistic and focuses on the solutions and not the problems.3. The Leader is responsible and admits when he/she has made a mistake. As a leader you are responsible for the things that go wrong in your team.4. The Leader should make decisive decisions. All decisions are not correct, but if they are made with the right reasons in mind, then the right decisions will come more often. Strive to do the right thing and do not worry about doing things right.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. The Leader always puts those that he/she leads first. When your down line sees that you are looking out for their best interests, they will work harder since they will realize that your goal is their success. People honestly don’t care what you know until they know how much you care!Zig Ziglar says – “If you help enough other people get what they want, you’ll always get what you want.”6. The Leader is in the front of the pack by setting an example to those that he/she leads. A good leader does not just tell others what to do but shows his team how to do it. Take the lead by setting the right example for your Sports Watches down line.7. The Leader show’s a commitment to integrity and character. Your down line Android Phones will have confidence in you as a leader when they see you doing “the right thing”.8. The Leader strives for excellence in everything. Your attitude, appearance, work ethics, and dedication to excellence can help determine your success.9. The Leader is determined to improving personal growth and development. The only way that you can be a leader that people will follow is to grow personally by learning the skills that are necessary to becoming a master network marketer.10. The Leader display’s a high level of persistence and determination. Genuine success takes time to achieve. How much time? As long as it takes!These ten rules are important to any successful network marketing business. Develop your skill with people by following these rules and you will become a great leader. Ignore them, and some day you may wonder what happened.What does good leadership depend on?1. Communication skills are critical for allowing you to get your ideas and thoughts across to your down line. If your down line has no idea what to do or how to do it, then how will they succeed or help you build your business?2. Providing the proper motivation is another key area of successful leadership. Your down line will stagnate when not properly motivated. To increase motivation try challenging your down line with goals that may be out of the ordinary for them.3. Teamwork. This means not only teaching your down line to work together but also for you to become part of the team. To become a better leader find out what your down line can do and recognize that they may have skills that could benefit your team.4. Training and education. Take the time to learn everything you can about your network marketing business. Contact your up line for help and advice.Someone once said, “Leadership has not been tried and found difficult, but instead has been found difficult and left largely untried”.

